The Mascot
TheODoreTheOtherDuck IS the Ugly Duckling and this is HIS story. What is he about? He’s about the truth within YOU. He’s the representation of all of us. He is here to guide you to realize and to remind you that it’s about your own journey and your own experiences and your transformation on YOUR time. No-one can or should tell you otherwise.
This lifetime is given to us to become the best as we can be, to live our potential and to learn who we are. We all have that potential within us and through our experiences and environment we learn to block ourselves or to grow from them.
The point of The Other Duck is to get the message across that everyone is their own person and to be unafraid and proud of that. It is about evolving and realizing we don’t have to conform to standards of beauty, because beauty, and ugly, is in the eye of the beholder.
TheODore is here to remind you that you should not allow OTHERS to dictate what you are capable of. Nor should you dictate others. As long as you continue to do what you do, live your dream, achieve your goals, you will transform into that swan. Never be afraid to dream, because no one can save you BUT you, and no one can lock you down BUT you. So break away from the confines you’ve created, from the jail YOU PUT YOURSELF IN…and let your heart out to feel. To believe.To dream…and to finally create your own journey for the ride of your life. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! Believe in yourself. If you don’t, who will?
Other Duck Tour Show - Los Angeles, Washington DC, Virginia, Japan, Hong Kong
World of Dance 2010 - San Diego
Fanny Pak Release Party
Cali Swagg Disctrict - “Teach Me How To Dougie”
Maxt Out 2008
MAGIC Convention 2008
MIMS - “Like This”